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1826193There’s no time like the present to make some resolutions, whether it’s to get healthier, practice an underused talent, or cross an item off your bucket list.

What is something you’ve always promised yourself you’d try? A new food? A foreign trip? A fun challenge?

Here are five ideas that might get your creative juices flowing:

  • If you loved to cook but no longer have your own kitchen, cooking classes can be a great way to keep your culinary skills sharp. Or consider volunteering at a community kitchen or church that offers homelessness services. They often need help preparing hot meals and sandwiches for the needy. It’s a great way to give back to the community while having fun!
  • Pickleball is a popular new sport similar to tennis or racquetball with a small court and a less strenuous approach that’s perfect for seniors. Try it for yourself at the Brahan Spring, Fern Bell Rec, Max Luther Drive, or Optimist Park Rec Centers,  or the Huntsville Madison County Senior Center.
  • NaNoWriMo is a silly word to say, but a fun way to exercise your creativity. It stands for National Novel Writing Month and takes place in November each year. It’s nice to start during November if you want the online camaraderie you can find with others taking on the challenge, but you can use the format and many examples on the web at any time of year. The goal is to write a novel in a month, but you can adjust to nearly any timeline. Plus, using your creativity is a great way to keep your mind in shape!
  • Many people have heard of Americorps or even participated in their younger years. But have you heard about Seniorcorps? It’s a similar program run by the federal government that’s specially designed for retirees. There are a variety of projects and programs in different cities and states. If you miss work, want to stay involved in your community, or simply love a life of service, Seniorcorps can be an amazing outlet.
  • Planning your dream trip can be almost as much fun as actually going on it. Where have you always wanted to go? A natural wonder like the Grand Canyon? A European marvel like Venice? Somewhere more exotic like Thailand or Indonesia? Have you only seen 48 out of 50 states? Whether you spend time researching a tour group that will hit all your must-see itinerary points and fits your style, or if you want to plan your own trip from scratch, this can be a great way to learn something new while checking an item off your bucket list.