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2073760015_99de1aaf68_m“There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.”
? Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

We’ve all been there. Maybe it is a funny memory. Perhaps something silly in a movie or that person who always has a wise crack. Precious little children seem to almost always bring it out of us.

A smile. A laugh. A more joyful state.

Often, we can’t control when it happens because life can be pretty spontaneous. Other times, we can bring it on by watching a funny movie or sharing a joke.

It’s not just a saying that laughter is the best medicine. It really does have the power to transform our state of health by decreasing stress hormones and aiding immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies.

Laughter relieves pain in the body by causing muscles to relax. And obviously, when we feel good, we aren’t coping with anxiety and fear. Our bodies accommodate a more peaceful sleep, which has health benefits in and of itself.

A good, “hearty” laugh can even prevent cardiovascular disease by increasing blood flow and blood vessel function. In some ways, laughter is similar to exercise, according to doctors. It even burns calories like working out!

The staff at Regency Retirement Village of Huntsville loves sharing a laugh with our residents and want you to relax and be part of a wonderful community atmosphere where you enjoy fun activities with the peace of mind that we’re taking care of you. Humor is an integral part of enjoying your retirement lifestyle.

We hope you will look for daily opportunities to find humor in situations, reflect on funny memories, make new friends, and never lose your sense of playfulness. You can discover a whole new outlook on life by simply reminding yourself every day to not take things so seriously.

IS laughter the best medicine? One thing’s for sure: It certainly isn’t hurting.