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istock_000000480847xsmallRetirement is all about having fun after working hard for so many years. Once you are all set up in a comfortable senior living community, you can come and go with ease knowing everything will be well taken care of while you tackle your bucket list. Whether you are taking the grandkids to Disney World or trekking to Katmandu for a once-in-a-lifetime trip you’ve always dreamed of, these simple tips will have you feeling as confident about your time away as you are about the old homestead at your retirement community.

• Get familiar with the latest TSA regulations. Make sure all the items in your carry on are in approved quantities and containers, and be sure to wear shoes you can slip on or off as you go through security. Keep all medications with you in original containers, and clean out your purse, wallet, or carry on ahead of time to make sure there isn’t a black-listed lighter, pocket knife, or pair or nail scissors hiding in the bottom.

• Write down all your travel information in one handy place, so you won’t need to fumble through your phone, planner, tickets, and wallet when you need a confirmation number in a hurry or the timing of a shuttle service. This is also very helpful in case you lose something, or if your phone or PDA battery runs down when you can’t charge it back up right away.

• If you need special medical care during your flight, contact your airline directly to find out how your wheelchair, service animal, respirator, or CPAP machine can be accommodated. If you need oxygen, for example, the airline may need to provide it, or there may be additional security to check equipment like wheelchair batteries.

• It never hurt to be prepared for all possibilities. Bring extra medication with you, in case you lose a pill or get delayed. Pack for weather on either side of the actual forecast, as you never know if the weather will be a little different. Pack an extra day’s worth of clothes, once again in case of delays.

• Leave extra room in your suitcase or put a spare duffle in your main luggage in case you find souvenirs you want to bring home. You’ll save a lot of money and frustration on shipping if you give yourself enough room to bring back some special items from your travels.

Enjoy a stress-free trip by preparing well beforehand. You’ll have a great time and maximize your adventures. Best of all, by planning well your trip can be as simple as your usual day-to-day life in retirement housing, where everything falls together just right! There’s nothing like enjoying yourself to the utmost at home and away.