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Dan McDougall became a part of the Regency family in 2020. Most of our staff and friends call him “Doc.” He was born in 1937 and raised in Clarksville, Indiana. He spent four years at the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy and four years in medical school while serving in the Army. Doc obtained his degree in anesthesia after two years of residency training at Valley Forge. Mr. McDougall and his wife Norma have four children: two wonderful girls and two wonderful boys. He is the definition of Catholic devout. Doc has made such a big impact on so many lives with the positive effects of attitude and mind. He has dedicated his life to serving so many people for so many years. Mr. McDougall loves talking about his experiences in the medical field while sipping on his bold coffee. We are thankful to have him as a part of our Regency family, where we can now serve and take care of him.