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Mr. Bob Allen

Mr. Bob Allen

Mr. Bob Allen has lived at Regency for over six years. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a bachelor’s degree and went on to serve as an engineer at Redstone Arsenal at Missile Command. He was also an avid runner and completed ten marathons! Bob...
Edward Kiker

Edward Kiker

Mr. Edward Kiker was born in 1947 in London, England, and had one sister growing up. As a young man, he served in the United States Army as an officer and worked in military intelligence. He retired in 1975. In his free time, he enjoys building models of various...
Charles Bone

Charles Bone

Congratulations to Charles Bone! In March he will have served two years here at Regency Towers and works the night shift as Floor Technician and Night Security. In his spare time, he loves to play “Destiny” on his gaming PC. Charles has a humble personality with a...
Imogene Stone

Imogene Stone

Ms. Imogene Stone moved into Regency almost three months ago. She has three children, seven grandchildren, and thirteen great-grandchildren which she loves dearly. As a career, she spent her time making a difference by working in the city schools as a teacher’s aide....